Betamax vs. VHS

I was running on the treadmill the other day and there was a music video that mentioned Betamax videos. Now that stirred my memory cauldron! Many of you reading this…

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Body fluids and the Bloody obvious

Glistening, stringy, snot bubbles and a seemingly endless flow of tears, dripped from my face onto the scratchy blue carpet squares of the doctors waiting- room floor. This was how I…

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Are expectations robbing your joy? #BeLikeDave

My great-grandfather, Dave Locket, smoked from the age of 11, was a gambler, was a womaniser, whiskey drinker and had great health until he was 93.He didn't give a rat's…

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I’m just not that important!

A few months ago, I listened to a wonderful lady Tracey Jarrett the Juggling Mum and she mentioned about challenging ourselves to NO TECHNOLOGY for 24 hours. That is easy…

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When Life Gives You Lemons

This chapter is really are about Life in General – What life throws at us... You have all heard of the term When Life Gives you Lemons – Make Lemonade.…

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